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How Not to Stress if you feel alone.










Heat wave






Sob Sob Sob weep.....

Have you ever had all this, and more, come upon you like a heat wave bursting through your veins?

If so keep reading...I am experiencing them all at once and right in this moment.

Living the single life is not an easy track and one that so many christians have a hard time with. I have been single for a long time now, sure I have had dates and I have even been in a relationship but when I realized that that relationship was toxic and not healthy to be in and not God's design, that is when I stopped and turned. However, just because I did that and became single again doesn't mean I don't deal with loneliness. This is a vulnerable time in a person's life and one they need to be careful in.

If you are not careful you could end up jumping right into a bad relationship that is not God's plan, do things that you never thought you would do to try and fulfill the loneliness, you might even get trapped and find no way out.

Okay, so you may be wondering why i am telling you all this or why I claim to be dealing with all these emotions right now. Well, many times in our single lives, we may be happy and full filled with joy of the Lord or things around us or family, or what have you but there is always going to come a time, when you mind will wonder and the crying out to God seems to not end.

I have spent many a nights simply crying bitter tears out to God, and asking and pleading with HIM, saying, "Father, why, why allow me to have these desires and then not provide someone to share my life with me. Why? I don't understand Lord, what am I doing wrong? What can I do to prepare more for a Husband that I already haven't done." That is then when you sit back and you start criticizing yourself and saying, "Well, if you read your bible more..." or "If you went and participated more in church ....." or what have you. But I have a secret for you...

There is nothing you can or can not do that will make it happen any quicker!

Sure, that doesn't mean that you just do what you want and not prepare yourself or your heart for your future mate. It means that you stay focused on God and he will send.

If you focus is heavenly bound then you are bound to find a little heaven on earth. Sure, nothing can come to us here on earth that is more beautiful and blessed than the joys and ambiance of heaven, but staying focused on God and allowing him to lead and guide you then will in turn allow you to see what you need to see.

So right now I am in this position of crying out to God and him, yet once again having to reaffirm me that HE is to be my all-in-all, and everything I need to do needs to glorify him.

So here is three things you can work on, while in the rut of being single and feeling lonely:

1. Read and Cry

So many people do not realize that reading their Bibles and actually doing some stomach wrenching tear sobbing mania, actually helps. I have done it many times in the past and even cried so much I got a headache but then all of a sudden the Peace of God flows over me like a warm spiritual blanket, to comfort me. Quit trying to snuggle up to men and instead get close to God. He is the mighty comforter the pillar of warm for your cold life. Unlike some boyfriends or girlfriends who you are close to let you down just know that God is always there, and gives us affirmation daily, by setting wind in the trees, allowing birds to sing his praises, and more. Don't replace God with the silliness of dating and think you won't get heart broken in the end.

2. Idle Hands are the Devil's Playground right?

I know I know we have all heard this one before, but these words are true. If you are watching t.v., or feeling board then you are allowing for these list of emotions to interfere your productive life. Believe me, I know. When i find myself getting board, I get scared!! True True...

Why do I get scared? Well, the reason is because I know that if any of those emotions overtake me even for a moment's thought then I could be taken down for hours, days, or longer. Some people sometimes can't find their way out ever, and they end up becoming unproductive in their daily lives and more. One time in my past I remember feeling bored and I forgot to change that and the emotion of loneliness set in. That was when I found myself waking up at noon and doing nothing till 2 in the morning. I was lying on the floor staring at the ceiling and not remembering what I was thinking, crying randomly, trying to clean and then sat down with a feeling of overwhelmed desperation.

Then when I snapped out of it all I was week as water..why? Because those two days I was depressed I didn't eat and the laundry never got washed, the house chores never completed, and I missed a beautiful day being all gloomy in doors. Don't let despair and depression rob you of a day of blessing from the Lord.

3. Obsession BAD VERY BAD!!!

If you are talking to a guy/girl already and you are still in the newness of it all....don't wait around for his texts, or phone calls, don't anticipate when you will talk next. IT WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY!!!! If you obsess over him or her, and you already feel trust issues coming on and you two are still new. STOP!! Now, what I can't stand is getting to know a guy and they talk a goo game, make you feel like you are important to you and in person they make you feel like you might have found the one, then you don't hear from them all day, or a few days. I mean how are we ladies supposed to feel when you guys don't text us once in a while, or send us an emoji or call us? We feel horrible and worry, why guys are you making the girls worry? And ladies, why are you obsessing over a text message or a call? If you are always checking your phone to see if a text you sent him moves from the delivered to read, than you are obsessed. If it is meant to be than it will work out and if not then you have to trust God that he knows best and that he is going to not let your desire to find someone and get married burn within you.

So in conclusion guys and girls...guard your heart for you never know what might creep in and cause you to loose yourself in a whirlwind of emotions that may lead you away from God!

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